DIY / How To: Hvordan stille klokke og dato, Auris


DIY – How to adjust/set the time/clock on Toyota Auris

Toyota Auris MKI 2007-12

Bildilla Magasin

Setting the clock in a car used to be very easy! But in today’s cars, it has become an art, or a detective job! You basically have to go through several menus, sometimes without Logic at all. Fortunately, it was fairly logical on this car then! So Logic that you didn’t have to look for the instruction book! It is very important to keep the manhood!

#toyotaauris #auris #howtotoyota #howtocars #bildilla

Å stille inn klokken i en bil, pleide å være meget enkelt! Men i dagens biler, så er det blitt en kunst, eller en detektivjobb! Man må stort sett gjennom flere menyer, noen ganger helt uten Logic. Heldigvis var det noenlunde logisk på denne bilen da! Så Logic at man slapp å lete frem instruksjonsboka! Det er veldig viktig for å beholde manndommen!