
DIY / How To mount new seat belts in a Toyota Land Cruiser / PRADO LC120

DIY / How To mount new seat belts in a Land Cruiser / PRADO LC120 Finally, the weather allowed us to repair the car again. The garage is busy yet, but I had the time and desire to mount the seat belts in the Land Cruiser. Both outer seat belts in the 2nd row are replaced due to damage. I bought 2 almost brand new ones, which will now be mounted. I first bought a belt from a car chopper, but they only had one side. Then I found 2 belts in private, on both sides and at the same price as a belt ….


DIY / How To: Hvordan montere nye sikkerhetsbelter i en Land Cruiser / PRADO LC120 Endelig så tillot været å repparere bil ute igjen. Garasjen er opptatt ennå, men jeg hadde tid og lyst til å montere bilbeltene i Land Cruiseren. Begge de ytre setebeltene i 2. rad byttes p.g.a. skader. Jeg kjøpte 2 tilnærmet helt nye, som nå skal monteres. Jeg kjøpte først et belte hos en bilhugger, men de hadde bare for den ene siden. Så fant jeg 2 belter privat, til begge sider og til samme pris som et belte….