
I need a big garage!

It should be sunny and no snow….

Norway 2021

Bildilla Magasin

The plans were ready! The weather forecast said it would be a nice weekend with mild winter weather, -5 and sun. No snow! But what did we get? Snow, more than enough snow! Almost 20 cm of snow in 2 under 2 days! The plan to be able to change the alternator on the The plan to be able to change the alternator disappeared while the snow was falling …

Now I have to speed up the plans for a garage and storage space every week!

Planene var klare!

Værmeldingen sa det skulle bli en fin helg med milt vintrevær, -5 og sol. INGEN snø!

Men hva fikk vi? Snø, mer en nok snø! Nesten 20 cm snæ på 2 under 2 dager! Planen om å kunne bytte dynamo på Land Cruiseren, forsvant mens snøen lavet ned… Nå må man vikelig få fart på planene om garasje og lagerplass!

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