Resurrection August: P38 – EKA Code missing. NOT Starting


Resurrection August:

EKA Code missing.

NOT Starting up the Rang Rover P38`s 2.5 Turbo Diesel

Bildilla Magasin

Got in the Car! But missing det EKA code!!!! 🙁

From video one:

I ran into a key problem and now I feel blocked! Help, how do I get back into my P3? The joy of starting up cars that have been standing for a long time is great! Now I have many myself, which have been neo for a long time. It’s good to give them a few revolutions and get the engines warmed up again! The plan was to start more today, but it didn’t work out that way! But maybe you learn from your mistakes… Or maybe not.

#startup #startups #P38 #rangrover #bildilla #4×4