«Denne videoen har hatt 100 000 avspillinger siden den ble publisert«

Utrolig, men sant! Denne enkle videoen, jeg egentlig ikke tenkte å lage, har mest besøk på kanalen! I dag passerte den 100.000 video visninger. Den har nesten 4.000 timer med video visning!

Det er nesten så man vurderer å kjøpe en sliten Corolla Verso igjen, for å lage flere videoer om disse bilene!

DIY how to take out the stereo Corolla Verso How to disassemble the original stereo in a 2004 Toyota Corolla Verso. Because of. loss of sound, from the stereo, then I suspect that there was poor contact in the plugs on the back of the stereo. The sound came and went. And it sometimes helped to knock on the stereo. For that, just find the easiest way to disassemble the stereo and see if I found the error. Upon inspection and cleaning of contacts, I unfortunately found no errors … But a new search online gave me another possible solution.

Unbelievable, but true! This simple video, I didn’t really think to make, has the most views on the channel! Today it passed 100,000 video views. It has almost 4,000 hours of video viewing!
It’s almost like you’re considering buying a tired Corolla Verso again, to make more videos about these cars!