Restoration Blog: August 2016 – Jay Leno’s Garage
Restoration Blog: August 2016 - Jay Leno's Garage Jay gives a progress report on some of the restorations going on...
Restoration Blog: August 2016 - Jay Leno's Garage Jay gives a progress report on some of the restorations going on...
I shouldn't even have to say this, you should already know: Karl's Jag is one of the coolest project cars...
Da står det en "ny" Jaguar på gården. Denne er her på prøve, og kanskje den blir tatt i innbytte....
“This car garners attention from everyone,” says Grant Karnes, “and I think it kind of draws everybody in to what...
“It’s a car enthusiast’s collection, right,” says John Campion. “I don’t have cars because I want to impress anybody.... FIRST DRIVE: Jay Leno hits Willow Springs Raceway to drive the most famous car in the world, the new...
Det går sakte men sikkert fremover mot EU ok... Bytter alle bremseskiver + klosser + Bremseslanger + overhalte bremser +...
“We were left behind the rally because we broke a differential unit,” says William Medcalf, continuing: “…after fitting the differential...
Marcus Anghel of Anghel Restorations stops by the garage to show Jay their client's newly restored 1969 Ford Mustang...
Oppdatering, 21-5-2016: Besøket ligger i rute, selv med få oppdateringer. 800-1000 visninger pr. mnd. 128 020 avspillinger pr. 21-5-16... Noe som er...